Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How to entertain yourself in Incheon airport for 6 hours

Try to figure out how to change the character set from Korean to English in the internet lounge so you know what you are reading and writing.  Ask the guy next to you to explain as he is under 30 and knows this stuff intuitively.  He inadvertently becomes the tech support for the whole place - apologize profusely.      
Go the bathroom and push the "etiquette bell" over and over.  It covers up the sound of poop with the sound of ocean. 
Try to eat like a local.  Realize you do not like Korean food at all.  You like rice and kim chee and that it.  You certainly don't like the little dish of spicy fish heads.  Oh no, you do not.
Stare at all the people buying duty free.  Figure out why.  Do those people shop Sky Mall too?  Why not just go to Target? 
Apply for jobs.  Hope you get one. Attempt airport Skype interview.  
Watch the mock Korean wedding the airport has put on to promote Korean culture.  This is actually very interesting.  They have some seriously complicated hair going on for the wedding - I thought Baltimore had some hair, but Seoul has some HAIR.
Think about taking a shower because they have showers here and there isn't anything else to do but look at duty free shops.
Try to figure out how to upload your pics to Flickr in Korean.
Wonder if you type too loud.  Obsess about it.  

1 comment:

  1. You made me LOL. Love it. I'M TYPING REALLY LOUD RIGHT NOW! And omg, the job application. Hilarious.

    I spent 6 hours there at Thanksgiving. The Twitter helped, but so did seeing how fast I could walk with the luggage cart and not technically be running.

    I also visited the Korean culture museum (upstairs!), and GOT A MASSAGE. That killed an hour and then I was out of it for another hour and lounged on their huge white couch-bed things. AND watched some Korean baseball on their fancy screens... All upstairs.

    Oh, LOTS of playing on elevators and trying to get to the next terminal by taking the emergency exits and the feigning ignorance when I was caught. Definitely walked around the DFS but NO WEDDING. I totally missed out, wtf??

    I'm glad that you weren't tempted to call the bathroom attendant. I'm a bathroom person, though, as witnessed by yet ANOTHER bathroom post from Japan and oh, here's one from this island...
