With three adults and four cats, the house is turning into a total disaster. It doesn't help that I am a bit of a dumpster diver (thanks, dad!) and throw everything into the back of my truck that might be useful. Today, I netted 2 benches, but they were purple, so I went with it because they kind of match the blue fence.
I went to town on the yard Friday night with an industrial strength weed wacker and the lawnmower and my lower back (owie). So the outside looks cool, but the inside......
The inside is getting funky, though. I have had to tape tinfoil on the edges of the furniture so Bertrand (cat) doesn't scratch what is left of the only furniture I didn't find or inherit (thanks, dad!). There are giant balls of fur everywhere and the bookcase looks like some insane person reinvented the Dewey Decimal System. That insane person, is, apparently, me.
I like books. I have carted some of them around for 25 years (most prized possessions are The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy signed by Douglas Adams and a copy of The Onion signed by Smooth B). Both of my parents have also written books which makes me feel like a dork because I should have written one by now. I guess I could schlep my travel logs into one and publish it on Amazon, but only about three people would get the humor and one of them is me. That doesn't keep me from cracking up at myself, but that might be kind of sad to the outside world. The Kookaburra story and the Pink Elephant story are total keepers, though.
Today I had to make a presentation in front of the Board of Directors and I promptly left shaking like an earthquake and began to dig through dumpsters in the U District. I love summer when the students move out and leave their leavings. Bikes, tools, furniture, the odd pillow (I didn't keep that one) and a plethora of books. I am reading a biology text book, an anthology of English lit and a CAD drawing book at the same time. The CAD book is a surefire way to fall asleep at night, which I have a really hard time doing. I actually showed up for work at 5 p.m. one Sunday thinking it was 5 a.m. on Monday and couldn't figure out where everyone was until about 10 - I don't have a window.
There is a thingey that is supposed to pull the screen door shut next to the door, two broken vacuums and a pile of icky dishes I can't bring myself to touch to put into the dishwasher. Toothpaste spit and old food make for quite a combo. There is a pile of cat litter on the floor which the cats have decided is the new litter box. I would feel badly about this if I hadn't been at a meeting earlier in the week when a woman confessed to getting hammered and peeing on the floor and covering it up with litter. It is those moments when I truly love humanity. When you own something that weird, you have conquered it. It is your bitch.
In September, I am going to NY and Costa Rica with my best friends in the world. Nothing bad could happen, right? Does Costa Rica have an extradition treaty with the US?
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