Sunday, December 15, 2019

Damn Redneck - Happy Father's Day!

Dad, we agree on NOTHING. Food (I've been a veg for 34 years - you love to eat tasty animals and tell me at every meal you think I am a freak), politics (let's just say I'm to the left of Trotsky and you are to the right of Patrick Buchanan), lifestyle (I celebrate difference and liberte'!, you think my people are weirdos), government (you think people should pull themselves up by their own boot straps and I think that would be swell if the people have boots, and food, and housing, and healthcare and child care and the proverbial boot-strap from which to pull). But we agree on a few things: Johnny Cash, spirited debate, pie, creative home repair solutions, public education, La Mariana, patriotism (in strikingly different formats), and mutual respect. As you have said many times, "I ain't going to change your opinion and you ain't gonna change mine. But I love you anyway." And I'm grateful I know how to change a tire, change my oil, replace a lock, fix a water leak, rewire a circuit, build a fire, shoot a gun, figure out how to make a meal when there is "month left at the end of the money", balance a checkbook, repaint a room, clear a drain, drive a stick shift, and yes, fly a plane. Love you too, you damn redneck.

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