Sunday, December 15, 2019

Marcia Rueff, the Writer

It's been 14 years since she left. I can't say I blame her. It was pretty rough at times. The last few years were not any fun. But, I know she still found some humor and love, as she was apt to do where ever she went. And she went everywhere - and usually took me with her. When we weren't traveling abroad, we would drive or take the train or bus across the US on vacations to see historical sites. We weren't rich, she just loved to travel and she instilled that in me (but Greyhound still sucks). She was a nerd. A grammar nerd. A book nerd. A gamer - Cribbage, Gin Rummy, Poker, Bridge. She was a writer, an executive, a model, a single mom, an intellectual, a rebel and an occasional complete disaster. She nourished and allowed me be me - even though that was an occasional complete disaster. We played word games on every trip, did puzzles, wrote stories, talked to strangers, hitchhiked, slept on couches. She taught me to experience the world as I think it should be experienced - through the careless, furious, YOLO, curious and selfless love of people and places of whom/which we were taught to be wary but should actually embrace. I'm grateful. I literally could not have existed without you. See you on the other side - but not for a while. I'm still traveling.

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